Atualização Twitter de Dove

29 de agosto de 2015

Agora vamos ver tudo que nossa princesa anda postando em seu Twitter essa semana.

Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron

Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
back in action with my main//19 years of this one picking me up && carrying my lazy bum around…
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Happy Friday, loves! New cover w/ the handsome @ryanmccartan coming your way tonightttt. Hint: you may have heard me sing this one before. 😈
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
It is absolute CRAZINESS in my world right now, y'all. In a good way. Can't wait for my loves to see what we've got going onnn. 💕💕💕
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
me &&my sof 💝 thank u bakacentral, you a killa talent, boo thing 🐻🎀🍭
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Heartbreaking and disturbing beyond words. Our society needs so much healing. Wishing I could literally anything other than passively tweet.
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Watching Andy Parker, the father of Alison Parker on CNN. Sending all of my deepest condolences to the families of both Alison and Adam.
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
"The beauty of standing up for your rights is others will see you standing and stand up as well."…
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
miss you, crazo @kat_mcnamara 🐱
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
am I becoming a text account
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Live tweet: just ran into a door
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
partnering w/ @TOMS to help their mission to end bullying! y'all started bts shopping yet? With each…
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
@TheCut HA
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
Imagem embutida
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
why are we awake #booboostewstew
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
GURRRRRR at doing things, you know?
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
absurdly sad to see this human go//chicago doesn't know how lucky it is ✈️ @laniclaire
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
who's watching the #livandmaddie season 2 finale tonight?! east coast: how you doin' after that…
Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron ‏@DoveCameron
☀️s u n d a y☀️ #typical

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